Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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What Can You Do?
Get Involved.
Spread The Word.
Share Your Opinion.
Express Your Concerns To Your
Express Your Concerns To Your State
Express Your Concerns To Your Local
Express Your Concerns To Your Local
Ask Political Candidates Their
Position on the Corridor.
Participate in CorridorWatch.org
V O T E !
1 Get Involved.
Texans didn't pay enough attention
when our Governor and Legislature started this incredible project, but
it is never too late to get involved and take action. Certainly there are other
better alternatives to improve transportation in Texas.
Get involved. Educate yourself
and others. Ask questions. Learn what the Corridor means to you, your community, and
your state.
Subscribe to the
CorridorWatch.org newsletter to keep informed.

2 Spread The Word.
Put a free
CorridorWatch.org No TTC sticker on your vehicle
[Free Sticker]
Put the
CorridorWatch.org logo on your website (or your
organization's website) with a hotlink to
Encourage others to do the same. (Please let us
know when and where our logo appears on the Internet)
Print materials found on the pages
of this website to share with those who do not have Internet access.
Take some TTC material and make a
presentation to your Rotary Club, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Farm
Bureau, church, and volunteer fire department. EVERYONE will be
affected, invite their involvement.
Encourage other to subscribe to
CorridorWatch.org newsletter.
3 Share Your Opinion.
4 Express Your Concerns To Your
Governor Rick Perry
Office of the Governor
Post Office Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711-2428
512.463.1849 - Fax
5 Express Your Concerns To Your State
Put it in writing! Express yourself with
specific concerns and/or objections. Ask them to take action
to address your concerns. Send a copy of your letter to
CorridorWatch.org, Fayetteville, TX 78940-5468. If you send e-mail to your State
Officials please
'cc:' CorridorWatch.org at
lindastall@corridorwatch.org We can multiply the effect
of your letters.
If you don't know who your representative are,
we can tell you. Check this site:
Ask your State Representative and Senator to
Let the House Committee on Transportation know
your concerns and/or objections. Ask them to take action to
address your concerns.
6 Express Your Concerns To Your Local
Put it in writing! Express yourself with
specific objections. Send a copy of your letter to
Fayetteville, TX 78940-5468.
If you send e-mail to your
local officials please
'cc":' CorridorWatch.org at
Let your County Judge and
Commissioners know your TTC concerns. Ask them to take action to
address your concerns.
Make a personal appearance
before your Commissioner's Court.
Let your Mayor and City
Council know your concerns.
Make a personal appearance
before your City Council.
CorridorWatch.org know what
action you have taken so that we can report on public feedback to
the Corridor.
Ask your Commissioners and City Councilmembers
to join CorridorWatch.org.
7 Express Your Concerns To Your Local
Write a letter to the editor.
Ask your newspaper to report
on the TTC issues that give cause for concern in your community.
CorridorWatch.org as an alternative
information source.
Send a copy of your letter to
the editor to CorridorWatch.org, Fayetteville, TX
78940-5468. If you sent it by e-mail please 'cc'
CorridorWatch.org at
Send us a copy of your letter
printed in the newspaper: CorridorWatch.org, Fayetteville,
TX 78940-5468.
8 Ask Political Candidates Their
Position on the Corridor
It's almost always election time. Find out
what your candidates think about the Corridor. Don't be
surprised if they have never heard about it. If so, send them
to CorridorWatch.org.
Ask them to take
action to address your concerns.
Send us an e-mail and let know
who you contacted and what their position is. Give us their
mailing address and CorridorWatch.org will send a follow-up letter.
9 Participate in CorridorWatch.org
Send us your name, e-mail address and mailing address so that we can
count you among the Texans who have a concern about the wisdom of
the Trans Texas Corridor. Write: Linda Stall,
CorridorWatch.org, Fayetteville, TX 78940-5468
Check this website often for
updates and new information. -
Subscribe to the CorridorWatch.org
Join the CorridorWatch.org
chapter in your county - If there isn't one, start one, we'll
Information by County ]
 Thank you for
your time and interest. 
This Page Last
Thursday February 21, 2008 |