Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
Federal Officials |
Texas Senators |
Texas Congressmen
Barton, Joe, Texas, 6th
Bonilla, Henry, Texas, 23rd
Brady, Kevin, Texas, 8th
Burgess, Michael, Texas, 26th
Carter, John, Texas, 31st
Conaway, K. Michael, Texas, 11th
Cuellar, Henry, Texas, 28th
Culberson, John, Texas, 7th
DeLay, Tom, Texas, 22nd
-- Vacancy
Doggett, Lloyd, Texas, 25th
Edwards, Chet, Texas, 17th
Filner, Bob, California, 51st
Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pennsylvania,
Gohmert, Louie, Texas, 1st
Gonzalez, Charlie A., Texas, 20th
Granger, Kay, Texas, 12th
Green, Al, Texas, 9th
Green, Gene, Texas, 29th
Hall, Ralph M., Texas, 4th
Hensarling, Jeb, Texas, 5th
Hinojosa, Rubén, Texas, 15th
Jackson Lee, Sheila, Texas, 18th
Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Texas, 30th
Johnson, Sam, Texas, 3rd
Marchant, Kenny, Texas, 24th
McCaul, Michael T., Texas, 10th
Neugebauer, Randy, Texas, 19th
Ortiz, Solomon P., Texas, 27th
Paul, Ron, Texas, 14th
Poe, Ted, Texas, 2nd
Reyes, Silvestre, Texas, 16th
Sessions, Pete, Texas, 32nd
Smith, Lamar, Texas, 21st
Thornberry, Mac, Texas, 13th
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Thursday December 14, 2006 |