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P R E S S R E L E A S E #007 - March 14, 2004
Corridor Concerns Draw Attention of State Commission Hundreds of area residents are expected to attend a public hearing in LaGrange next week. At the request of County Judge Ed Janecka the Texas Department of Transportation has agreed to return to Fayette County on Tuesday March 23rd and explain the Trans Texas Corridor. Members of the public as well as a growing number of local government officials across the state have expressed concern about the corridor and the impact it will have to their communities following a blitz of poorly advertised public hearings. During February TxDOT held one hearing in each of Texas' 254 counties in just 23 days. When TxDOT officials were unprepared to answer questions at the LaGrange meeting with an overflow crowd in attendance, Fayette County Judge Janecka requested that the District Engineer hold another meeting. The Judge suggested a larger hall and that the Governor and Chairman of the Transportation Commission be invited to attend and personally answer community questions. The Judge's office has confirmed that Transportation Commissioner and former Commission Chairman John Johnson will join TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens at the hearing to address community questions and concerns. "It's extremely important that the public be well informed," said Linda Stall of CorridorWatch.org. "Citizens and officials need to express their concerns and be sure that they have their input now, at the beginning of the project." CorridorWatch.org has been instrumental in raising public awareness about the Trans Texas Corridor. All citizens, particularly those in Fayette, Austin, Colorado, and Bastrop counties are urged to attend the meeting to be held at the Knights of Columbus Community Center, 190 S Brown Street, LaGrange, at 7:00 pm Tuesday, March 23rd. For additional information contact Judge Janecka's office in LaGrange or visit CorridorWatch.org on the Internet. # # #
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This page was last updated: Thursday November 02, 2006
© 2004 Linda Stall