Stall |
P R E S S R E L E A S E #002F - February 29, 2004
Pair Vs. Perry over Trans Texas Corridor A grassroots movement that started only a
week ago in a rural Texas county between Houston and Austin is now
reaching out to the citizens and leadership of Denton County and dozens
of other rural and urban counties across Texas. From her 90-year-old farmhouse surrounded
by cattle Linda Stall, a legal secretary, formed CorridorWatch.org, a
high tech challenger to Governor Perry's Trans Texas Corridor project. "A month ago I couldn't find anyone who had
ever heard of the Trans Texas Corridor. It's incredible that our
Governor has been able to get approval for a project that will put all
of us in debt more than $180 billion dollars," said Linda Stall.
"There are so many problems with this corridor project that's it's hard
to know where to start," added David Stall, Linda's husband. "Using the Internet we've been able to
access community newspapers across the state and discover that the
issues and concerns we were raising are not unique," said David. "We
share the concern expressed in Denton County last week by county
transportation consultant John Polster, that a push for the corridor
will take much needed funds away from the urban centers where traffic
problems are most critical." "We were able to validate our experience
that the local TxDOT officials who conducted a recent blitz of county
hearings were not well versed in the corridor project. More often than
not when they attempted to answer questions not on their prepared
script, the information they gave the public was wrong," he said. Linda has been on a non-stop speaking
circuit trying to keep up with the groups who want to hear her message
about the corridor. Her efforts have lead to an increasing number of
radio and newspaper interviews with no end in sight. "What concerns us the most is that the
issues raised so far are not even the greatest threats. There is an
urgent need for public disclosure before it's too late," Linda said. Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka agrees and told
TxDOT's District Engineer that he would
like to see another meeting in his county. The Judge
also insisted that Governor Perry and Transportation Commission Chairman Ric Williamson come explain the Trans Texas Corridor to the people. This husband and wife team may be located
in one of the most unlikely places to have launched a polished and
high-tech campaign aimed at thwarting what TxDOT calls the largest
engineering project in this state's history. However, using the power of the Internet,
CorridorWatch.org is coordinating a massive effort across Texas with
lightening speed and efficiency. "We do almost everything over the Internet,
from newsletters to our business cards," said David the one man
technical support and research department. Linda encourages everyone in Denton County
to visit her website and discover what impact the Trans Texas Corridor
may have in our community. Naturally additional information is available on the Internet at CorridorWatch.org. # # #
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This page was last updated: Thursday November 02, 2006
© 2004 Linda Stall