SB 342 Analysis
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1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the participation of the Texas Department of 1-3 Transportation in the acquisition, construction, maintenance, and 1-4 operation of toll facilities. 1-5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-6 SECTION 1. Section 222.103, Transportation Code, is amended 1-7 to read as follows: 1-8 Sec. 222.103. COST PARTICIPATION. (a) The department may 1-9 participate, by spending money from any available source, in the 1-10 cost of the acquisition, construction, maintenance, or operation of 1-11 a toll facility of a public or private entity on terms and 1-12 conditions established by the commission. The commission: 1-13 (1) may require the repayment of any money spent by 1-14 the department for the cost of a toll facility of a public entity; 1-15 and 1-16 (2) shall require the repayment of any money spent by 1-17 the department for the cost of a toll facility of a private 1-18 entity[, including requirements for repayment]. 1-19 (b) Money repaid as required by the commission shall be 1-20 deposited to the credit of the fund from which the expenditure was 1-21 made. Money deposited as required by this section is exempt from 1-22 the application of Section 403.095, Government Code. 1-23 (c) A bond or other debt obligation issued by a public or 1-24 private entity to finance the cost of a toll facility in which the 1-25 department participates is an obligation of the issuing entity and 2-1 is not an obligation of this state. 2-2 (d) [An entity receiving cost participation from the2-3department under this section is a successor agency to the Texas2-4Turnpike Authority for the purposes of Section 52-b, Article III,2-5Texas Constitution.] 2-6 [(c)] On the request of a member of the legislature, the 2-7 department shall provide the member a status report on all highway 2-8 construction projects, by legislative district, that are under 2-9 contract or awaiting funding. The report shall include projects 2-10 that would be funded in any manner by state, federal, or toll 2-11 funds. 2-12 (e) [(d)] On the request of a member of the legislature, not 2-13 later than the 90th day before the date a loan is granted or an 2-14 expenditure is made by the department for a project under this 2-15 section, the department shall notify each member of the legislature 2-16 that represents any part of the area affected by the project of the 2-17 status of the project and how any other project in any other 2-18 district would be affected. 2-19 (f) This section applies to any participation by the 2-20 department in the cost of a project under Chapter 284, 361, or 366. 2-21 (g) The commission shall adopt rules to implement Subsection 2-22 (a). 2-23 (h) Money granted by the department each federal fiscal year 2-24 under this section may not exceed 30 percent of the obligation 2-25 authority under the federal-aid highway program that is distributed 2-26 to this state in that year. 3-1 (i) Any project that uses money that is granted or loaned 3-2 from constitutionally dedicated funds for the construction or 3-3 maintenance of a project must be let by a competitive bidding 3-4 procedure in which the contract is awarded to the lowest 3-5 responsible bidder. 3-6 (j) Notwithstanding Subsection (i), the Texas Turnpike 3-7 Authority division of the department, or a successor agency, may 3-8 enter into exclusive development agreements on four projects before 3-9 March 1, 2004. This subsection expires March 1, 2004. 3-10 SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 361, Transportation Code, 3-11 is amended by adding Sections 361.003 and 361.005 to read as 3-12 follows: 3-13 Sec. 361.003. REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY. (a) The 3-14 commission by order may authorize the creation of a regional 3-15 mobility authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, 3-16 and operating a turnpike project in a region of this state. 3-17 (b) The governing body of a regional mobility authority is a 3-18 board of directors consisting of representatives of political 3-19 subdivisions in each county in which a turnpike project is proposed 3-20 to be located. The commissioners court of each county of the 3-21 authority shall appoint two directors to the board. The governor 3-22 shall appoint one director to the board who shall serve as the 3-23 presiding officer of the board. 3-24 (c) The commissioners court of each county of the authority 3-25 that contains an operating turnpike project shall appoint 3-26 additional directors, as follows: 4-1 (1) if only one county of the authority contains an 4-2 operating turnpike project, the commissioners court of that county 4-3 shall appoint two additional directors; 4-4 (2) if two counties of the authority contain an 4-5 operating turnpike project, the commissioners court of each county 4-6 shall each appoint one additional director; and 4-7 (3) if more than two counties of the authority contain 4-8 an operating turnpike project, the commissioners court of each 4-9 county shall each appoint two additional directors. 4-10 (d) A regional mobility authority may not construct, 4-11 maintain, or operate a turnpike project in a county that, on 4-12 November 6, 2001: 4-13 (1) was part of a regional tollway authority; or 4-14 (2) operated a project under Chapter 284. 4-15 (e) A regional mobility authority: 4-16 (1) is a political subdivision of this state for 4-17 purposes of Chapter 101, Civil Practice and Remedies Code; 4-18 (2) is subject to Chapter 552, Government Code; 4-19 (3) is a state governmental body for purposes of 4-20 Chapter 551, Government Code; 4-21 (4) has the powers and duties of a county under 4-22 Subchapter C, Chapter 262, Local Government Code, other than 4-23 Section 262.029 of that subchapter and excepting contracts subject 4-24 to Section 361.231; and 4-25 (5) is a local government for purposes of Subchapters 4-26 D and F, Chapter 271, Local Government Code. 5-1 (f) The commission may grant or loan funds for the 5-2 construction, maintenance, or operation of a turnpike project under 5-3 this section in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or 5-4 other law. 5-5 (g) Each year, if a regional mobility authority determines 5-6 that it has surplus revenue from turnpike projects, it shall reduce 5-7 tolls, spend the surplus revenue on other transportation projects 5-8 in the region in accordance with Subsection (h), or deposit the 5-9 surplus revenue to the credit of the Texas Mobility Fund. 5-10 (h) Consistent with other law and commission rule, and in 5-11 accordance with Subsection (g), a regional mobility authority may 5-12 spend surplus revenue on other transportation projects by: 5-13 (1) assisting in the financing of a toll or toll-free 5-14 transportation project of a governmental entity; or 5-15 (2) with the approval of the commission, constructing 5-16 a toll or toll-free transportation project and, on completion of 5-17 the project, transferring the project to a governmental entity if: 5-18 (A) the governmental entity authorizes the 5-19 regional mobility authority to construct the project and agrees to 5-20 assume all liability and responsibility for the maintenance and 5-21 operation of the project upon its transfer; and 5-22 (B) the project is constructed in compliance 5-23 with all laws applicable to the governmental entity. 5-24 (i) The commission by order may convert a segment of the 5-25 free state highway system to a turnpike project and transfer that 5-26 segment to a regional mobility authority if: 6-1 (1) the commission determines that the proposed 6-2 transfer is an integral part of the region's overall plan to 6-3 improve mobility in the region; and 6-4 (2) the regional mobility authority agrees to assume 6-5 all liability and responsibility for the maintenance and operation 6-6 of the turnpike project on its transfer. 6-7 (j) To the extent of a conflict between this section and 6-8 Section 361.189, this section prevails. 6-9 (k) In this section: 6-10 (1) "Governmental entity" includes a municipality, 6-11 county, the department, or other public entity authorized to 6-12 construct, maintain, and operate a transportation project within 6-13 the region of a regional mobility authority. 6-14 (2) "Surplus revenue" means toll revenue that exceeds 6-15 the regional mobility authority's debt service requirements, 6-16 coverage requirements of any bond indenture, costs of operation and 6-17 maintenance, cost of repair, expansion or improvement of a turnpike 6-18 project, and reserves and reserve funds maintained by the regional 6-19 mobility authority. 6-20 (3) "Transportation project" includes a project or 6-21 type of project described by commission rule. 6-22 (l) The commission shall adopt rules to implement this 6-23 section. 6-24 Sec. 361.005. TRANSFER OF BOARD'S POWERS AND DUTIES. 6-25 (a) The powers and duties of the board under this chapter or other 6-26 law are transferred to the commission. 7-1 (b) A reference in law to the board is a reference to the 7-2 commission. 7-3 SECTION 3. Subsection (b), Section 361.184, Transportation 7-4 Code, is amended to read as follows: 7-5 (b) The board may transfer, or direct the authority to 7-6 transfer, into the project revolving fund money from any 7-7 permissible source, including: 7-8 (1) money from a surplus fund established for a 7-9 turnpike project if the remainder of the surplus fund is not less 7-10 than any minimum amount required by the trust agreement to be 7-11 retained for that project; 7-12 (2) money received under Subchapter I or from a 7-13 transfer of a turnpike project under Subchapter H; 7-14 (3) money received [advances] from the state highway 7-15 fund [if the advances are repaid as required by Section 52-b,7-16Article III, Texas Constitution]; and 7-17 (4) contributions or assistance from the United 7-18 States, another state, a political subdivision of this state, the 7-19 United Mexican States, or a political subdivision of the United 7-20 Mexican States. 7-21 SECTION 4. Section 361.191, Transportation Code, is amended 7-22 to read as follows: 7-23 Sec. 361.191. EXPENDITURE OF MONEY AUTHORIZED BY DEPARTMENT 7-24 OF TRANSPORTATION. (a) The Texas Department of Transportation may 7-25 provide for the expenditure of money for the cost of the 7-26 acquisition, construction, maintenance, or operation of a turnpike 8-1 project by the authority. The department may require the authority 8-2 to repay money provided under this section from toll revenue or 8-3 other sources on terms established by the commission. 8-4 (b) Money repaid as required by the department shall be 8-5 deposited to the credit of the fund from which the money was 8-6 provided. Money deposited as required by this section is exempt 8-7 from the application of Section 403.095, Government Code. [If money8-8from the state highway fund is spent under this section, the fund8-9shall be repaid from tolls or other turnpike revenue.] 8-10 SECTION 5. Subsection (b), Section 366.174, Transportation 8-11 Code, is amended to read as follows: 8-12 (b) An authority may transfer into its revolving fund money 8-13 from any permissible source, including: 8-14 (1) money from a turnpike project if the transfer does 8-15 not diminish the money available for the project or the system, if 8-16 any, of which it is a part to less than an amount required to be 8-17 retained by the bond proceedings pertaining to the project or 8-18 system; 8-19 (2) money received by the authority from any source 8-20 and not otherwise committed, including money from the transfer of a 8-21 turnpike project or system or sale of authority assets; 8-22 (3) money received from the state highway fund 8-23 [advances authorized under Section 52-b, Article III, Texas8-24Constitution]; and 8-25 (4) contributions, loans, grants, or assistance from 8-26 the United States, another state, a political subdivision of this 9-1 state, a foreign governmental entity, including the United Mexican 9-2 States or a state of the United Mexican States, a local 9-3 governmental entity, any private enterprise, or any person. 9-4 SECTION 6. Subsection (c), Section 366.301, Transportation 9-5 Code, is amended to read as follows: 9-6 (c) An obligation or expense incurred by the commission or 9-7 department under this section is a part of the cost of the turnpike 9-8 project for which the obligation or expense was incurred. The 9-9 commission or department may require money contributed by the 9-10 commission or department [Money from the state highway fund spent] 9-11 under this section to [must] be repaid from tolls or other revenue 9-12 of the turnpike project or system on which the money [from the9-13state highway fund] was spent [expended]. Money repaid as required 9-14 by the commission or department shall be deposited to the credit of 9-15 the fund from which the contribution was made. Money deposited as 9-16 required by this section is exempt from the application of Section 9-17 403.095, Government Code. 9-18 SECTION 7. The following sections of the Transportation Code 9-19 are repealed: 9-20 (1) Subsections (b) through (e), Section 361.031; 9-21 (2) Subsection (g), Section 361.031; 9-22 (3) Sections 361.032 through 361.037; and 9-23 (4) Sections 362.004 and 362.005. 9-24 SECTION 8. (a) Section 222.103, Transportation Code, as 9-25 amended by this Act, applies only to cost participation by the 9-26 Texas Department of Transportation in the acquisition, 10-1 construction, maintenance, or operation of a toll facility that 10-2 occurs on or after the effective date of this Act. Cost 10-3 participation by the Texas Department of Transportation in the 10-4 acquisition, construction, maintenance, or operation of a toll 10-5 facility under Section 222.103, Transportation Code, that occurred 10-6 before the effective date of this Act is governed by Section 10-7 222.103 of that code, including any requirement of repayment, as it 10-8 existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the 10-9 former law is continued in effect for that purpose. 10-10 (b) Subsection (b), Section 361.184, Transportation Code, as 10-11 amended by this Act, applies only to a transfer of money from the 10-12 state highway fund by or at the direction of the board of directors 10-13 of the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the Texas Department of 10-14 Transportation under Section 361.184, Transportation Code, that 10-15 occurs on or after the effective date of this Act. A transfer of 10-16 money from the state highway fund under Section 361.184, 10-17 Transportation Code, that occurred before the effective date of 10-18 this Act is governed by Section 361.184 of that code, including any 10-19 requirement of repayment, as it existed immediately before the 10-20 effective date of this Act, and the former law is continued in 10-21 effect for that purpose. 10-22 (c) Section 361.191, Transportation Code, as amended by this 10-23 Act, applies only to an expenditure of money for the acquisition, 10-24 construction, maintenance, or operation of a turnpike project that 10-25 is provided by the Texas Department of Transportation under that 10-26 section on or after the effective date of this Act. An expenditure 11-1 of money by the Texas Department of Transportation under Section 11-2 361.191, Transportation Code, that was provided before the 11-3 effective date of this Act is governed by Section 361.191 of that 11-4 code, including any requirement of repayment, as it existed 11-5 immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the former 11-6 law is continued in effect for that purpose. 11-7 (d) Subsection (b), Section 366.174, Transportation Code, as 11-8 amended by this Act, applies only to the transfer of money received 11-9 from the state highway fund by a regional tollway authority to the 11-10 authority's revolving fund under Section 366.174 of that code on or 11-11 after the effective date of this Act. A transfer of money to the 11-12 revolving fund of the authority under Section 366.174, 11-13 Transportation Code, that occurred before the effective date of 11-14 this Act is governed by Section 366.174 of that code, including any 11-15 requirement of repayment, as it existed immediately before the 11-16 effective date of this Act, and the former law is continued in 11-17 effect for that purpose. 11-18 (e) Subsection (c), Section 366.301, Transportation Code, as 11-19 amended by this Act, applies only to an obligation or expense 11-20 incurred by the Texas Transportation Commission or the Texas 11-21 Department of Transportation under Section 366.301 of that code on 11-22 or after the effective date of this Act. An obligation or expense 11-23 incurred by the Texas Transportation Commission or the Texas 11-24 Department of Transportation under Section 366.301, Transportation 11-25 Code, imposed before the effective date of this Act is governed by 11-26 Section 366.301 of that code, including any requirement of 12-1 repayment, as it existed immediately before the effective date of 12-2 this Act, and the former law is continued in effect for that 12-3 purpose. 12-4 SECTION 9. (a) This Act takes effect: 12-5 (1) on the date on which the constitutional amendment 12-6 proposed by S.J.R. No. 16, 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, 12-7 takes effect; and 12-8 (2) only if S.B. No. 4, 77th Legislature, Regular 12-9 Session, 2001, is enacted and becomes law. 12-10 (b) If the constitutional amendment proposed by S.J.R. No. 12-11 16 is not approved by the voters, or if S.B. No. 4 does not become 12-12 law, this Act has no effect. 12-13 SECTION 10. (a) On the effective date of this Act, the 12-14 board of directors of the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the 12-15 Texas Department of Transportation is abolished. On that date, all 12-16 powers, duties, obligations, rights, contracts, leases, records, 12-17 employees, and real or personal property of the board are 12-18 transferred to the Texas Transportation Commission. Unspent and 12-19 unobligated appropriations and other funds under the control of the 12-20 board shall be transferred to the Texas Transportation Commission. 12-21 Before that date, the board with the agreement of the commission 12-22 may transfer any records, employees, or real or personal property 12-23 of the board to the commission in preparation for the transfer 12-24 provided for in this section. 12-25 (b) The abolishment of the board of directors of the Texas 12-26 Turnpike Authority division of the Texas Department of 13-1 Transportation does not affect the validity of a right, privilege, 13-2 or obligation accrued, a contract or acquisition made, any 13-3 liability incurred, a permit or license issued, a penalty, 13-4 forfeiture, or punishment assessed, a rule adopted, a proceeding, 13-5 investigation, or remedy begun, a decision made, or other action 13-6 taken by or in connection with the board. 13-7 (c) All rules, policies, procedures, and decisions of the 13-8 board of directors of the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the 13-9 Texas Department of Transportation are continued in effect as 13-10 rules, policies, procedures, and decisions of the Texas 13-11 Transportation Commission until superseded by a rule or other 13-12 appropriate action of the commission. 13-13 (d) Any action or proceeding before the board of directors 13-14 of the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the Texas Department of 13-15 Transportation is transferred without change in status to the Texas 13-16 Transportation Commission, and the commission assumes, without a 13-17 change in status, the position of the board in any action or 13-18 proceeding to which the board is a party. 13-19 (e) If S.B. No. 4, 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, 13-20 is enacted and becomes law, all unspent and unobligated 13-21 appropriations and other funds transferred to the Texas 13-22 Transportation Commission under Subsection (a) of this section 13-23 shall be transferred to the Texas Mobility Fund on the effective 13-24 date of S.B. No. 4. S.B. No. 342 _______________________________ _______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I hereby certify that S.B. No. 342 passed the Senate on March 1, 2001, by a viva-voce vote; May 21, 2001, Senate refused to concur in House amendments and requested appointment of Conference Committee; May 22, 2001, House granted request of the Senate; May 27, 2001, Senate adopted Conference Committee Report by a viva-voce vote. _______________________________ Secretary of the Senate I hereby certify that S.B. No. 342 passed the House, with amendments, on May 18, 2001, by a non-record vote; May 22, 2001, House granted request of the Senate for appointment of Conference Committee; May 27, 2001, House adopted Conference Committee Report by a non-record vote. _______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House Approved: _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Governor