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December 6, 2004 |

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Time Magazine
This is our favorite issue of Time Magazine of all time (so
far at least). It is the December 6, 2004 issue. Subscribers started receiving
their copy in the mail, here in Texas, on December 2, 2004. It's not on our
local newsstands yet. This copy was sent to us FedEx by Time Magazine. (12.06.04)

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Time Magazine
How about that headline? We LOVE IT! A Big, Fat Texas
Boondoggle. Yep, it sure is This is the title photo for a three page story about
the Trans Texas Corridor. (12.06.04)

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Time Magazine
Here's what the start of the three page article looks like.
This is page 40 and 41. The story made the national edition, all 4 million copies. (12.06.04)

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Time Magazine
What's the saying, print anything you want about me, just
spell the name right. Well we got CorridorWatch and David's name in this story.
Actually has public officials from ten counties, not six, but
we aren't going to complain. (12.06.04)

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Time Magazine
Page 42 shows our Governor, who's not happy about our
effectiveness in questioning his proposed superhighway. This page includes a
little information about the more than $1 million in highway construction firm
contributions he has received since 1997. (12.06.04)

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Time Magazine
See anything interesting about this map? How about that
outline of Fayette County? Wonder why Fayette County got on there? Wouldn't have
anything to do with those radical corridor activists would it? Yep, and we're
smiling too. (12.06.04)
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November 02, 2006
Copyright 2004 David K. Stall |