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Storms and Flooding:
November 22-23, 2004 |

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Austin Radar
A severe thunderstorm stretches from San Antonio to Houston.
The white dot in the red band is the location of Rain Creek Farm. This storm was
moving from left to right across the radar screen dumping more than a foot of
rain on Fayette County. (11.22.04)

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Stall Farm
Somewhere under all this moving water is the road, a bridge
and a normally slow running creek. Looks like there's about two feet of water in
the barn. (11.22.04)

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The road down to the boat ramp is closed along the Colorado
River as the water comes up. Note the light pole out in the middle of the
picture. (11.22.04)

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The bottom of this light pole is normally high and dry at the
boat ramp. (11.22.04)

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The new highway bridge upstream is much higher above the
river. Flood water can just be seen in the background of this picture. (11.22.04)

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The December 1991 high water mark on this bridge was 43.5
feet. (11.22.04)

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Galveston Radar
Another well defined line of very strong thunder storms move
across Fayette County. The white dot indicates the location of Rain Creek Farm. (11.22.04)

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Remember the picture where the flood water was just visible
in the background? Well this is the same bridge on the new highway a day later. (11.23.04)

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Here is the flood gauge again, this time with the 40-foot
mark underwater. (11.23.04)
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November 02, 2006
Copyright 2004 David K. Stall |