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TxDOT officials and Governor Perry's Transportation
Advisor attended the evening meeting at the invitation of the Coupland
Civic Association. Here Linda is talking to the TxDOT environmental
manager and a contract engineer.

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An estimated
130 Texans filled the
St. Peter's Church in Coupland Monday night for a meeting that included
a lively discussion of the Trans-Texas Corridor.

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When Governor Perry's Transportation Advisor Kris
Heckmann spoke he attempted to defended the Trans-Texas Corridor Plan.
At one point he even defended the Governor personally when the audience
was unimpressed by his reference to Perry's ranching and farming
background. "Be careful," cautioned one lady in attendance, "there are
some real dirt farmers in this room," she continued.

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Heckmann's presentation was a mixed bag of trying to
sell the corridor concept and defending components of the state's plan.
None of what he had to say addressed the concerns or issues of those
living in Coupland.

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Before Heckmann concluded his remarks some members of
the audience left in disgust commenting aloud that they had heard enough.
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November 02, 2006
Copyright 2004 David K. Stall |