Chief Robert E. Connor, Jr.
July 24, 1953 -
September 16, 2003
We mourn the passing today of our
friend and colleague Chief Robert Connor, Jr.
Robert's family
has lived in Columbus, Texas, and Colorado County for more years than we
know. His grandfather organized one, if not the, biggest black
cowboy rodeos in Texas. It was held on family land where Robert had
recently rebuilt an arena for youth competition. His father had been
a city police officer in Columbus many years ago. And Robert became
the city's first African American Chief of Police some fourteen years ago.
Robert had many honors including repeated election to the post of Most
Worshipful Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas.
(David and Linda had the honor to be his guest at the Annual Prince Hall
Banquet held in Houston last June.) Robert served as Police Chief
under David in Columbus for the past two and a half years. They
established a bond of trust, respect and friendship. David was proud
of Chief Connor.
He will be missed
personally and professionally.