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 Chrysler Air Raid Siren
You don't use 1,000 wheelbarrows to do the work of a
3-ton truck . . . nor do you install 120 warning devices to do the work of just
Nothing compares with the Chrysler Siren for strength of signal. By actual
test, it has been determined that one Chrysler Siren will cover the same area as
120 sirens of another type. That's why it's important you let us arrange a
demonstration . . . a comparison, if you prefer . . . of the Chrysler Siren in
your community.
In the event of enemy attack, a "half-way" warning system may not do the job.
Like everyone, people in your community want real protection. For real
protection, the Chrysler Siren is your best investment.
First, because of its tremendous coverage. Warning sound carries up to
four miles in every direction from rotating siren.
Second, because it is a completely self-contained unit, capable of individual
operation or as a part of a system, with or without remote control.
Third, because it is an ideal unit for virtually any community or establishment.
It can be operated from either fixed or moving locations.
Join the number of communities from coast to coast whose security is protected
by great Chrysler Sirens. Each is powered by the mighty Chrysler 180
horsepower V-8 Industrial Engine.
Write: Department 29, Siren Layout Service, Industrial Engine Division, Chrysler
Corporation, Trenton, Mich.
[The American City Magazine]