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Our New Truck
- September 18, 2002 |

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Wednesday evening we visited the Ford dealership in LaGrange and selected this
four-door F-150 Supercrew pick-up truck. We're having the rear bumper
replaced so we'll come back and take it home Saturday. (09.18.02) |

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LaGrange This bed extender
is pretty neat. It rotates out of the bed onto the top of the open
tailgate to provide a bigger cargo space. When folded into the bed with
the tailgate up it provides a good space for a cooler or anything else that you
don't want to chase around the bed of the truck. (09.18.02) |

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We like our F-350 crew cab so much we just had
to have another. Yep, that's right, we're keeping the black beast
for farm use. (09.18.02) |

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Gray leather seats and all the bells and whistles. (09.18.02) |

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The backseat is leather too. The seats fold down, lock into place, and
become an inside cargo area. (09.18.02) |

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LaGrange After truck
shopping we went for dinner at Reba's. David spotted the moon over the old
Fayette County Jail. Note the windmill at the left. Today the stone
jail is leased to the LaGrange Chamber of Commerce. (09.18.02) |
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November 02, 2006 |