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Stall Family[left]
Samuel Stall b: 1833 OH (married Sarah Garrat)
[right] David Delmar Stall b: 14-Mar-1836 Knox Co., OH d: 20-Nov-1930 CA at age
94 (married Elizabeth B. Bechtel b: 14-Jun-1834 Tuscarawas Co., OH m:
02-Jun-1861 d: 30-Sep-1909 at age 75) (2nd Wife: Charlotte Elizabeth Hinds b:
09-Aug-1911 Newcastle, NE m: 24-Jun-1937 Valentine, Cherry Co., NE d:
04-Jan-1980 Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co., NE at age 68 Buried: 07-Jan-1980
Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co., NE)
(1910) |

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Stall Family
[right] Daniel Stahl {Stall} b: 1819 d: 24-Oct-1903
Adams, Coshocton Co., OH at death age est. 84
[left] Mary A. Endlich {Entleich} Stahl b: 1845 OH m: 22-Mar-1864 Coshocton Co.,
OH d: 1911
(1864) |

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Stall Family
[right] Elizabeth Stall {Stahl} Swigert b: 1822 OH
d: 1913 at age est. 91
[left] Henry Swigert m: 04-Mar-1852 Coshocton Co, OH
(circa 1860) |

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Stall Family
While unconfirmed, this is believed to be
photographs of:
[left] Susannah Stall Kimbal {Kimble} b: 1824 OH d:
1900 at age est. 76
[right] Joe Kimbal {Kimble} |