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Valentines Day & Weekend at Rain Creek
Farm -
February 14-17, 2002 |

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Columbus City Hall City Hall staff has a
little birthday gathering and cake for David's birthday. This is the greeting on
the break room wall. (02.14.02) |

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Columbus City Hall The 3J's - Jill, Jerry
& Joyce - the City Secretary, Building Official and AP Clerk wait for the cake
to be cut. (02.14.02) |

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Columbus City Hall German chocolate cake
and deviled eggs, two of David's favorites! (02.14.02) |

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Brenham Linda and David celebrate
Valentines Day and their anniversary with dinner at Applebee's in Brenham. (02.14.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm Saturday morning Linda
spotted our trees full of birds, thousands of them. It was like an Alfred
Hitchcock movie scene. When they took flight it was like a cloud. (02.16.02) |

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Linda Linda was sporting David's hat while
he slid under some barbed wire to take a few pictures of an old school site. (02.16.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm The little John Deere and
city car got washed. (02.17.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm Timothy thought that
Linda's plant stand was a custom made kitty bed. (02.17.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm Later Timothy moved to a
chair lined with moss that will soon be full of flowers. (02.17.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm (02.17.02) |

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Stall Farm David feeds the horses while
his folks are away. (02.17.02) |
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November 02, 2006