Upland Here's our bowling champion! Again, we visited the fine
bowling establishment in Upland. (7-10-99)
Upland Jake clowns with Linda before the lights go off and
"Cosmic Bowling" begins. (7-10-99)
Bridgeport Garden Linda's garden continues to bloom like crazy! These
Iceland poppies are more beautiful than this photo can reproduce. The
colors are incredible. (7-10-99)
Claremont Sunset over Claremont taken on our way to Mt. Baldy. (7-10-99)
Mt. Baldy Lodge Racking them up. Jake wanted to play a couple games of
pool at the Mt. Baldy Lodge before spending another half-hour at the
skateboard park and packing for his next week in Houston. (7-10-99)
Mt. Baldy Lodge David and Jake get serious at the table while Linda
watches (and takes photos). (7-10-99)