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Chrysler Air Raid
Siren being lifted onto tower in Newark, Delaware.
Unknown newspaper, December 24, 1953
Caption reads, "A
new siren donated to the Newark volunteer fire company by the Chrysler
Corporation is lifted into place atop a 75-ft. tower adjacent to the
fire house on Friday. This latest type warning siren replaces an
earlier model previously donated by Chrysler and can be operated by
remote control from within the fire house. The time and use of
heavy equipment necessary to lift the 5-ton siren into place was donated
by the McCormick Construction Co. of Wilmington."
Editor's Note:
The Newark volunteer fire company was the Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder
Company. A Chrysler parts plant was within the fire protection
The siren should
have weighed only 2½-tons. The tower was erected by
George Moore, riggers, at a cost of $2,439.63, half of which was paid by
Civil Defense.
More Information About the Newark Air Raid Siren
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