Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.

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07.08.28  Highway 407 extension will be a toll road, finance minister confirms


Highway 407 toll-road helps provide proof that U.S. Ambassador is misleading Canadians on fascistic NAFTA superhighway agenda

August 22, 2007

by Paul Chen / The Canadian

The Highway 407 toll-road, helps provide proof that U.S. Ambassador to Canada, David H. Wilkins, is misleading Canadians on the construction of a North American Free Trade (NAFTA) Superhighway, to enable the creation of a fascistic North American Union.

On 8 December 2004, the Canoe Network that is associated with the Sun Newspaper Chain, in Christina Blizzard's article "Hwy 407: Que Pasa?", reported that Cintra, witch is part of a Spanish Consortium, owns the 407 toll-road. It had been a public mystery, why would a company all the way from Spain, spend the time to own and construct a toll-road. Even more of a mystery to me, had been, why would government in Canada award a foreign Spanish bid over a Canadian company?

The Coalition to Block the North American Union revealed that the same Cintra company is behind the Trans-Texas Toll-Road Corridor.

Maps accredited to the North American Forum on Integration (NAFI), which is a non-profit organization based in Montreal, clearly reveals an apparent intention to link Cintra's Trans-Texas Corridor to the Hwy 407 Toll-Road, which clearly appears to be being built toward Ottawa, within a vast integrated continental toll network.

The 407 Toll-Road in turn was being planned since the late 1980's, and supports the assertion by the Coalition against the North American Union, that the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), was a part of the agendas of both former Prime Ministers Mulroney and the U.S. President at that time, even before its formal signing in 2005.

The Trans-Texas Corridor is being designed to provide U.S. and certain Canadian Big Business interests, with easier access to the importing of the outsourced manufacturing of goods, from a further exploited Mexican labour pool, as well from a further exploited Chinese labour pool. U.S. and certain Canadian corporations which have also been exploiting Chinese labour, have been planning a NAFTA superhighway linked with enhanced port connections, to further increase the ability of Big Business interests to make exploitative commercial profit.

U.S. Ambassador to Canada, David H. Wilkins wrote in the Ottawa Citizen on Monday, August 20, that "while conspiracy theories abound, you can take it to the bank that no one involved in these discussions is interested in, or has ever proposed a "North American Union", a "North American super highway," or a "North American currency". The first thing to appreciate is that owners of CanWest Global that owns the Ottawa Citizen have been principal financial donors to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada. Mr. Harper who is a principal ally of the Bush administration, is also a signatory of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). Therefore, CanWest Global's provision of editorial space to Mr. Wilkins can be seen as an attempt to manipulate the masses through political propaganda.

Secondly, there is ample proof that a NAFTA superhighway is currently being constructed. The NAFTA superhighway is being constructed and developed to facilitate the Big Business agenda that indeed seeks to create an anti-democratic "North American Union". The curiosity of the Hwy 407 toll-road under Spanish corporate ownership is apparent proof of in Canada, of such a SPP-North American Union (NAU) transportation network, that is to be linked with an American toll-road network, with the same ownership.

The "NAFTA superhighway", is to become a series of very wide toll-roads to stretch all the way into Canada's north, to rape and pillage Canada's environmental heritage for elite interests connected to a U.S. political-military-industrial complex. NAFTA superhighway is to facilitate the planned consolidation of Canada as an American colony under the clandestine SPP-NAU agenda.

It was former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower who warned the American people upon his retirement from Office that the political-military-industrial complex constitutes a singular threat to democracy.

Dr. Ron Paul is among the critics of the NAFTA superhighway. The U.S. Ambassador to Canada does not seem to be demonstrating candour on the on-going construction of the NAFTA superhighway.

"This superhighway would connect Mexico, the United States, and Canada, cutting a wide swath through the middle of Texas and up through Kansas City. Offshoots, would connect the main artery to the west coast, Florida, and northeast. Proponents envision a ten-lane colossus the width of several football fields, with freight and rail lines, fibre-optic cable lines, and oil and natural gas pipelines running alongside," says Ron Paul, who represents Texas in the U.S. Congress.

The NAFTA superhighway map and agenda appears to have been generated by leaked documents associated with SPP related proceedings, which various groups have sought to disseminate.



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