Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.

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07.01.25 Emergency vehicles must pay tolls except during pursuits and emergencies ...

07.01.11 Emergency Vehicles Charged on Toll Road

07.01.08 Whether black-and-whites should pay tolls is a gray issue Comments:

TxDOT should revisit their primary mission, safety.

Encouraging law enforcement, fire service professionals and emergency medical responders to use toll roads increases the availability of those emergency services and enhances motorist safety.

TxDOT should also be reminded that the other half of their mission is effective and efficient movement of people and goods. Revenue generation is nowhere in their mission, and if it were we would expect safety; and, effective and efficient transportation to come first.

The slope isn't as slippery as some might lead you to believe. This is not a new issue except that toll collectors appear exceedingly greedy.

If the vehicle in question is owned and used exclusively by the federal, state, county, or city government, school district, or fire department they don't pay an annual registration fee like everyone else. And yes, Texas collects state fuel tax, but state and local government vehicle are exempt from paying federal fuel tax. That includes city and county bookmobiles too.

Charging public services (local government) to use public infrastructure is just moving peas around on the plate.

Bottom line it's simple, if they have exempt license plates they shouldn't pay a toll tax.


This Page Last Updated: Thursday January 25, 2007
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