Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.

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Issues & Concerns: Questionable Assumptions

Issues & Concerns: Comprehensive Development Agreements

Issues & Concerns: Environmental Impact

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Issues & Concerns: Local Business Impact

Issues & Concerns: Private Property Rights

Issues & Concerns: Tourism Industry

Issues & Concerns: Misplaced Transportation Spending


Local Business Impact

Adverse economic impact.

Taking business away from hundreds of Texas communities by limiting traveler access and providing, in its place, State contract concessions that will include gas, food, hotels, stores and more, apparently without limit. This smacks of Nationalizing the state's travel and tourism industry. Relocating businesses won't add to our economy. In fact, it will drive local government costs up by requiring new infrastructure to support them.

"...contract with a person for the use of part of a transportation project, or lease or sell part of a transportation project, including the right-of-way adjoining the portion used to transport people and property, for any purpose, including placing on the adjoining right-of-way a gas station, garage, store, hotel, restaurant, parking facility, railroad track, billboard, livestock pasturage, telephone line or facility, telecommunication line or facility, data transmission line or facility, or electric line or facility, under terms set by the authority." [Sec. 370.172(a)(2)]


This Page Last Updated: Thursday December 14, 2006
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